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Showing posts from July, 2020

A Few Tips to Overcome Your Stage Fright

  If standing on a stage and performing intimidates you, then these are some things that can help.   1.     Make sure your preparation is perfect. Rehearse your stuff several times. Do a mock show in front of your family and friends and get their feedback. They may tell you what you are lacking in, and they will also compliment you on the things you did well. Having a fair idea of these things will help you do better when you are on stage.   2.      If you are on stage, facing the public and doing something static, like speaking to them, then this trick could be employed. Look around in the audience for people who are interacting with you in some way. There are always such responsive people in the audience. They might be holding a direct eye contact with you, or they might be shaking their heads in approval of what you are saying. Bond with these people. Even when you are speaking in public, you can create such personal bonds. S...

Are You a Good Leader?—8 Questions to Ask Yourself

  If you are in a leadership position, then self-assessment becomes a very important thing. At every step of your leadership, you need to see how efficient and effective you are. Are your people responding to you in a positive manner? This kind of assessment is needed on a continuous basis, because only then can you bring about improvements in your game.   The following are some questions that you can ask yourself to assess your leadership. The answers to these questions should be evident to you, but they are provided all the same!   1.                    Does your team trust you? Answer = Yes. It is important that your team relies on your decisions and looks forward to your guidance.   2.                   Does your team feel intimidated of you? Answer = No. A team that is...

An Extremely Effective Way to Reduce the Pressure in Your Life

  If you think about all the stressful situations in your life so far… the situations in which you felt the great, unbearable amount of pressure that was sapped you from within… you will find out that there was one common element in all of them. This was the element that acted as the causative factor in building the pressure.   That element was time.   Every time that you were stressed, you will probably have noticed that the pressure was built because you had to do something in a particular amount of time. Maybe it was an examination, or an impending interview, or some huge and very important occasion. In all these cases, the most important thing is time. You need to accomplish something in a particular timeframe.   If you give it a thought, if everyone had unlimited time on their hands, they would probably achieve a lot more than they have already. In this world, it is not just doing things that matters; the important thing is to do things in a pa...

A Few Steps to Self-Improvement

  In life, there are some things that people are always chasing after but never fully achieve them. It is like chasing one’s own shadow. These are the likes of wealth satisfaction and perfect stress free lives. Achieving them is next to impossible but improving on them is within one’s reach, depending on how determined one is. This is where self-improvement comes in. General self-improvement is quite vital in our lives. There are a lot of simple things we can improve in and make our lives better. Skills, natural abilities, aspirations and dreams; these are just but a few. If we are to effectively improve our selves, there are some particular steps that we should follow.   First and foremost, try and grade yourself. This means accessing your traits and behaviors. Know your weak and strong points. One can use a formula known as S.W.O.T when doing this. This stands for strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. Jot down these items on a piece of paper and list them...