At times, we reach a point where it seems that life has pushed us to the wall. These are the times when everything around us starts crumbing down. The only way to get up and move on is by mastering positive energy. It will help you turn the tables and rebuild all that had been torn down. One thing is for sure, negativity is the biggest hindrance of success in our lives. It can be brought about by a lot of factors among them being rejection. The one word that describes rejection is ‘no’. A good example is when one is planning to start a business. It tends to get difficult when everybody you approach for some kind of help say no. Some might even through in the towel. In such cases, one should use the ‘no’ to gain more momentum to further fulfill your desires. This can only be achieved by channeling positive energy. This is exactly what the 5 eBooks that make up the Positive Thinking series are all about. They contain teachings on how to live a positive life, free fro...
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