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Showing posts from September, 2020

What to Learn from the Positive Thinking Series

  At times, we reach a point where it seems that life has pushed us to the wall. These are the times when everything around us starts crumbing down. The only way to get up and move on is by mastering positive energy. It will help you turn the tables and rebuild all that had been torn down. One thing is for sure, negativity is the biggest hindrance of success in our lives. It can be brought about by a lot of factors among them being rejection. The one word that describes rejection is ‘no’. A good example is when one is planning to start a business. It tends to get difficult when everybody you approach for some kind of help say no. Some might even through in the towel. In such cases, one should use the ‘no’ to gain more momentum to further fulfill your desires. This can only be achieved by channeling positive energy.   This is exactly what the 5 eBooks that make up the Positive Thinking series are all about. They contain teachings on how to live a positive life, free fro...

Positive Thinking Series—Power Attraction, Power Play

  Positive living is the only way to live a healthy and successful life. Carrying negative garbage with us all through will just derail us from our pursue of success. In fact, we can never function properly if we always dwell on the negativity that has been inflicted on us. Rejection is one of the major ways in which negativity infects us. The word ‘no’ simply represents rejection. For a positive thinker, this word should be a stepping stone to success. It should give us the strength and zeal to pursue success even more.   This also applies to the individuals that are in power. “Power Attraction, Power Play” is a book in the Positive Thinking Series that deals with this particular topic. In its first phase, it shows us how to attract power. There is no way that one claim to be in power without any kind of powers to show for it. Therefore, positive thinking is the best way to attract power. With a positive mindset, one can easily rise to a position of power. This may not ...

Positive Thinking Series—EBooks from the Internet

  Many a times, we tend to face frustration in life. This is basically brought about by the negativity that surrounds us. The word ‘no’ is the major source of negativity especially when it comes from those close to us. Take for example a mother who is always saying negative things about her son; the son will obviously feel depressed. The same applies to us in our daily endeavors. It is our duty to turn that negativity into a drive for success. This can only be done through positive thinking and channeling all of it towards success. This applies to businesses, relationships and the general day-to-day life activities.     To help you think positively is the Positive Thinking Series of e-Books. This is a series of online books that contain step by step tips on how to live a positive life and overcome the all of life’s negativity. Generally, they are guidelines on how to live positively. The complete series contains a total f five e-Books that come with resell rights....

Positive Thinking Series—Creating the Power of Positive Thoughts in the Post Modern Age

  The positive Thinking Series has really gained popularity among many of its users. It is basically a series of 5 e-Books that dwell on positive living tips and especially in this technology-based age of life. The first book in this series is “The Power of Positive Thoughts in the Post Modern age”. It goes for about 1 US Dollar in most of the genuine online stores. It contains a total of 8 chapters plus one summarizing chapter. In its contents, it specifically deals with the power of thoughts and how well they one can utilize it positively to succeed in this modern age.   The first chapter is a detailed summary on the power of thoughts. Our mindsets are basically made up of thoughts that dwell in our brain. Thoughts can be influenced by the environment we live in or the kind of people we socialize with. It may be our parents or friends; whatever they tend to speak about us really makes a huge impact on the kind of thoughts we have. If they tend to talk of things that ...

How the Positive Thinking Series Helps You Get Advanced Affirmation and Attraction

  Living a positive life is the key to success. Look at ball the successful individuals; rarely do they tend to wear a frown on their faces. This is simply because they tend to dispose all kinds of negativity that is put in them and turn it into success. This is exactly what “Advanced Affirmation and Attraction” is all about. This is an e-Book that is part of the Positive Thinking Series of 5 e-books that squarely contains tips on how best to use deal with negativity. In “Advanced Affirmation and Attraction”, one gets tips that help him or her attract the good things in life using a positive mindset. In addition to this, it also has some tips on the proper use of power strategies for life success.   In the first chapter, the author talks about the little things in life that bring about happiness in us. The book states that we should explore them and concentrate on them for a positive mindset. As a matter of fact, they will help overshadow the negativity that pulls us b...