Just like in any other marketing strategy, there is no magic word used in network marketing that makes it work automatically when it is “switched on.” There are strategies and elements that need to be applied if you are to get anything from your network marketing strategy. These elements and strategies differ according to the type of business and the type of products, but there are those that generally must be applied in any form of business if success is to be attained.
First and foremost, network marketing must be done with persistence. It is very discouraging when you find out that in all the people who are your down lines, only ten percent of them seem to be doing anything. Do you quit? No, you don’t. But instead, you continue recruiting more people and encouraging those you already have. Also, you give special support on the 10% who are working so that they will work even more to strengthen your network.
Persistence without patience cannot work. You cannot add more people to the network support those under your network and encourage them for three months and then you stop. You need to exercise patience, no matter how long you will need to have it. For some, their patience may have to be stretched for a year, others for eight years and other for ten years.
Ten years is usually the average time, according to reliable statistics, when you get to a point where you are at the maximum earning level if you persist and get patient. Since network marketing has cumulative benefits, be patient, do not expect to get rich in three months or even a year. As you exercise patience and persistence, promote your network from all angles and in all possible ways; do not leave anything to chance.
In network marketing, you cannot afford to be in the same position for more than a month. Every month, you have to improve yourself such that you are at a higher level than you were the previous month. Therefore, you need to learn and learn some more. Go for training sessions and buy yourself good material for listening to and books for reading. Practice the principles you are taught without letting them stay in your mind for too long after you have learnt them. Also, do not take for granted any person you meet; though you may not market the idea to them immediately, keep their contacts – you will need them some day.
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