Network marketing is a marketing strategy that is highly used in business, but most network marketers do not know what to do to get the most out of this form of marketing. Below are some five “commandments” in network marketing that will take your business to another level if followed.
1. Stick to one company
When you join a network marketing company, be sure to stick to it and to keep your focus on it. When you start marketing more than one company at a go, you do not give your best, and you therefore end up failing all the companies you are marketing. This also means that you should not join a company that will take a lot of cash for start up. This is because you will need a lot of money to promote yourself, and you do not want to spend all of it at startup.
2. Know your company
It is quite embarrassing to look at your customer blankly when he/she asks you when your company started or who the CEO is. The fact that you know your company well gives potential customers the confidence in your product.
3. Use the best promotion strategy
The first thing you should NOT even think of doing when marketing is bad mouthing other rival companies. This is the surest way to get you down, and it also paints the wrong image of the company you are marketing. Invest in learning more on network marketing. Learn the old and new strategies which you should apply. It does not make sense to 8nvest much and use the wrong strategy when you can invest little and get much by using the correct strategy.
4. Your down-line
Network marketing cannot be called so if it does not have down-lines. You should therefore invest a lot in giving them adequate training and equipping. Organize for them seminars and workshops where they can learn. Also, give them materials like DVDs, books et cetera. Also, treating your down-lines like babies is a no-no. This makes their natural motivation to lie dormant. Show them the way but do not literary carry them through it.
5. Have positive mentality, focus on winning
You will get many stumbling blocks in network marketing, but do not stop at them; push on towards your goals regardless. Focus on continually adding a member or two to your down-lines without even focusing on those that drop off.
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