In network marketing, the use of links is important as they ensure an increase in profits. The profits do not come automatically as they will have to be made by performing links. When the links do not perform, the overall output becomes low. There are several ways that can be used to make sure that links are always performing. The links have to perform through motivation and ability. This means that when the links do not perform, there is a high chance of having a low output. To be able to make sure that this does not happen, there should be careful when monitoring of the links.
Once you find a link that is not performing, you should diagnose it to find out why it is not performing as it should. Diagnosing should be done by checking the motivation and ability. If an employee is not performing, you might decide to push them to perform through the use of incentives or ultimatums. By following this method, you can get higher performance or a bad situation getting worse. The situation can get worse because the employee might not have the ability to perform as required therefore giving a high poor output.
To avoid such a situation diagnosis should be done thoroughly on the basis of motivation and ability. Diagnosing ability can be checked by looking at different causes. Some of these causes are:-
Tasks that are too difficult to be handled by the individual
Individual having low skills, knowledge and aptitude.
Poor performance despite the evidence of strong effort.
When these factors are put into mind, one will find that the most common cause of a low performing link is the lack of substantial skills, experience and knowledge. There are some steps that can be used to make sure that such a situation is improved.
The first step would be to retrain. By retraining, you make sure that the person who isn’t performing is taken back to the first step of learning the trade. This way, you can be able to gauge their learning experience. If retraining does not work, you can re-fit the person. Try finding their strong points and see if there are areas where they can be put that will give a higher quality based output. When all the two methods fail, the last method would be to release. You should release them and get someone who is capable of handling the position.
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