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Showing posts from November, 2020

Marks of Spiritual Enlightenment according to Frances Vaughan

Frances Vaughan is one of the most renowned authors in the world. In addition to this she is also a psychologist and an educator in the county of Marin. As a matter of fact, she is a member of the Fetzer Institute. Currently, she stands as the trustee of the institute. Fetzer has written several books based on different topics. However, she has specialized in the transpersonal psychology field. She discuses ob the various elements of the inner and even speaks of various spiritual traditions practiced by members of different religions. Frances is even a writer in various periodical publications such as the Fetzer Institute Newsletter.      One of the areas that Vaughan has really emphasized in is spirituality. In most of her writings, Frances emphasizes on the need to be spiritually enlightened stating that it highly contributes to the general growth of the whole you. In fact, she has even come up with a list of items that mark spiritual enlightenment in an individual. Bas...

Levels of Meditation in Spirituality

  Life is made-up of various sub-sectors with each playing a major in our day to day activities. Among them is spirituality which mainly categorizes of the different religions we believe in. There are those that believe in worshiping the moon, others believe in Allah, some believe in God while others even go to an extent of worshipping cows. Whichever the religion, it is still part of spirituality. All in all, different people go about different activities in a bid to improve on their spirituality. Most of these activities are based on meditation. This is basically because it is only through meditation that one can access the inner spiritually realm. As a matter of fact, meditation is said to accelerate one’s progress plus consciousness when it comes to spirituality.   There are four levels of meditation that people use when meditating for spiritual purposes. The first level is simply referred to as the “walking meditation”. Why the name “walking”? This is due to the fact...

Discipline Is Important to Attain Spirituality

  Discipline is the basis of the whole universe. The Earth, the Sun, the Moon and other planets, all are governed by a set of laws to maintain perfect harmony and beauty. There will be utter chaos without this order. Similarly, discipline is one basic requirement to lead a spiritual and civilized life. Every man has to set certain norms to maintain peace and order within his or her mind.  The strength of a man lies in discipline. It helps him or her to make progress. A man who is of a disciplined nature work in spirit of cooperation with other people. However, discipline does not mean negation of personal liberty. It means a self-imposed discipline.  The importance of discipline in educational institutions is well recognized. A school is such a place that helps children attain spiritualism through the sense of discipline. Some children have the ability to follow this and learn more out this, while others who cannot follow this goes to the category of individuals who canno...

Have You Ever Encountered Yourself?

Actor James Baldwin once said, “I have encountered a lot of people in Europe, I have even encountered myself” It begs the question, have you encountered yourself? To encounter means to meet by surprise or unexpectedly, amongst other meanings. When was the last time you experienced that type of surprise meeting with yourself?  Have you been in a situation where you found out you liked something you didn’t think you would enjoy?  Maybe tried a new food, or a new sport. Maybe started a new hobby?  When this happens without you orchestrating the situation you are encountering yourself. Many people stay in their comfort zones, and rarely find themselves in a situation where they are challenged by encountering themselves in an unexpected or surprising ways.  As a personal challenge take time to do something different today. Take a walk on the beach or through the forest and use your senses to experience the sights, smells and tastes around you. Walk slowly and keep a journ...

Encourage or Fix—What Is Your Style?

Each of us has an approach that we use when people come to us for help with their problems. Some of us like to encourage the person to find the answer within themselves and we stand with them as they put their plans into action and reap the benefits and consequences of choices. Others of us prefer to fix the problem for the person, exploring ideas for plans and actions that will potentially solve problems. Neither style is more beneficial than the other and most people would agree that both styles are necessary qualities. However, as each style affects the way we treat our families, friends and work colleagues, its’ worth knowing which style more clearly emulate in our interpersonal relationships..How do you know if your style is to fix or encourage?  Here are some useful things to consider about each style of helping others.  You Like to Help Others by Offering Solutions to Their Problems When They Approach You with Their Problems. Men in general like to fix problems more tha...

Doing a Self Assessment for Self Discovery

To a very large extent, many of us tend to see what is wrong with others without taking in to account or having a close look on ourselves. Taking a self assessment is vital in making us become the best or have a realization of the best in us. You need somebody is very honest to help you in self assessment. There are a number of self assessment tests that you can undertake for self discovery.   Self assessment entails looking deep into you for an insight thus self discovery. Here you do not become self centered but have some time to look at yourself get to learn about the person you see every time you look at the mirror.  The first step to a tangible self assessment is to be very honest about you. Take a hard look at the mirror and take time to study the person you are seeing. Describe the person that you see in the mirror using up to a total of 25 adjectives. Consider using both good and adjectives that are bad. This is important owing to the fact that you are undertaking a tr...

Key Things in a Relationship

Nobody likes to be single and you will bear me witness that people who does not want to be in a relationship is the ones who were hurt. This however does not mean that you should not give it a try. There are people who have also tried to be in a relationship many times but most of the time they end up alone. This is probably because they did not take the key things in their relationships. Relationships are supposed to be taken and carried tenderly and taken slowly. There are times when a relationship seems to be very hard and this is the part where you tend to move out of it. There are however other relationships which are very dangerous. Some of them have got a lot of fighting, arguments and even cheating on one another. These kinds of relationships usually end very badly and you find that the two parties become big enemies.  There are however three things which make relationships successful. One of the things that you should ensure that your relationship does not lack, is trust. ...

How to Have a Successful Relationship

Relationships are what keep us going. All that is in a relation is between you and another thing. Some of the things that keep us going that is the necessities are all based on relationships. Things like food, air water which are all essentials are all dependents of relations. We cannot understand ourselves except in relationships to another or life on its own. It is natural that we are all dependent on relationships so that we survive, to get feedback, have a mirror of ourselves and also for nurture. We can take for example a mother’s nurture is genuine and symbolic, and are the necessary mechanisms that enables us to develop, if we did not have our mother’s nurture then would not be alive by now. Relationships are all about connecting with the innovation, the obscurity and the way others are diverse from us. It is also about opportunities, learning, development and the one can change to be an optimist. There are so many things which make relationship to have life and these are the li...

4 Tips of Dealing with a Narcissistic Partner

There are relationships whereby one of the partners seems to be caught up in him or herself. This may show as a sign of arrogance or selfishness. Such people tend to think or even talk more of themselves and they do not usually think about others. Narcissism is mainly a condition whereby somebody thinks of himself or herself more than other people.  When you experience this behavior in your partner then you should start to think about your partner being a narcissist. Having a narcissistic person as your partner can be very hurting. This is because you tend to always feeling that you are being ignored, you feel incomplete at times, annoyed, animosity and probably worried about this evident personality imperfection. There are also times where you will start to look for professional help for your partner. This is very true; there is a psychological condition which is known as narcissism. This condition is simply described as a series of characteristics and manners which indicate infat...

Is the Perceived Lack of Happiness Robbing You of Real Happiness?

Do you often feel life has left you short? That somehow you have been robbed of the right to be happy and content. Maybe you have financial or relationship issues in your life or you are facing chronic health problems.  You look around and see happy faces everywhere you look and it can be easy to slip into a feeling that everyone but you is happy.  There is no one on this earth, no matter how rich, famous or successful who does not suffer moments where they feel that life has served them a difficult basket of trials to deal with. The smiles on many people’s faces may be masks that are worn to cover up the internal pain. Other people wear smiles because they have learned to deal with their pain and problems and focus on the good and not the bad in their life.   There are very few people who feel that life is not difficult and the circumstances they find themselves in difficult.  However, finding the blessing in life and focusing on it rather than the negative, is...

Have You Treated Yourself to a Cappuccino Today?

Maybe you don’t like coffee and that is okay. The question is really asking whether you have given yourself permission to do something for you today.  Maybe you went to the shops or had a game of golf with the boys.  Maybe you decided to go see the latest movie by your favorite actor. If you did it for you, you are on the way to stay healthy. Many of us feel guilty if we do things for ourselves or we may do them out of a feeling of guilt.  Whilst this may prove to be immediately justifiable, the problem over time is that if we constantly deny ourselves things for the sake of helping others or because we question our right to do things for ourselves, eventually we can become quite burnt out and resentful about our circumstances.  Allowing ourselves to self-care means we allow ourselves to have that cappuccino with a friend rather than stay home and do the dishes.  It means giving ourselves permission to go to the gym rather than feeling that report that needs wri...

Are You Reborn Every Day?

Every year we celebrate another year of life. We make special plans for the day and appreciate knowing that on this one day in the year, our life becomes the focus of the significant people with who we are privileged to share our life. There is a child inside all of us when it comes to the celebration of our birthday, with its sense of fun, of friendship and of celebration of all that is good.  Someone once said that it is a shame that we can’t have a birthday every day. How true are those words? We put so much time and energy into preparations for that day. Imagine if every day of our lives was spent with the same feeling of preparation and anticipation. Seize the Day is a saying made popular in movies, but it’s equally applicable in our lives. When was the last time you lived each day as if it was potentially your last day on this earth and packed it full of experiences, celebrations, friendship and fun?    We often let days pass without really thinking too much about h...

Key Elements that Will Help You Succeed in Network Marketing

Just like in any other marketing strategy, there is no magic word used in network marketing that makes it work automatically when it is “switched on.” There are strategies and elements that need to be applied if you are to get anything from your network marketing strategy. These elements and strategies differ according to the type of business and the type of products, but there are those that generally must be applied in any form of business if success is to be attained.   First and foremost, network marketing must be done with persistence. It is very discouraging when you find out that in all the people who are your down lines, only ten percent of them seem to be doing anything. Do you quit? No, you don’t. But instead, you continue recruiting more people and encouraging those you already have. Also, you give special support on the 10% who are working so that they will work even more to strengthen your network.   Persistence without patience cannot work. You can...

How to Get Started in Network Marketing

  There are so many people who want to start a home business so that they can get that extra penny with economy situation. This applies to people from different corners. There are students who are looking to get that extra cash and also the older generation who have gone on retirement and they want to earn so as to support families. Money has become the main problem in this current world. And so many people are looking for ways which they can earn money very fast. The best way to stat a home business is through network marketing. However you should remember that it is not something which will bloom in a night but with a lot of hard work. There are also things that you are supposed to put into consideration before you can get started.   You should not let anyone force you into registering with them in their network marketing. You should always do a research on the company before you think of joining. You should know that the one who is pressuring you into joining the comp...

Advantages of Internet Network Marketing

    Network marketing is a marketing strategy that has being used widely in the recent past, and it is still being used to date. Its potential in the future seems to be very huge. It is a strategy that many companies have embraced, especially the health and wellness industries. However, network marketing is not only limited to or used by the health and wellness companies; other companies, including those that make electronics, have embraced this marketing strategy in their businesses. However, this strategy is not magical; just like any other strategy, network marketing needs effort, preparation and good strategizing and placement.   One thing about network marketing that makes it unique is the fact that every piece of information availed to a customer is usually virtual, meaning that it is in pamphlets, tapes, videos and illustrations. With this in mind, there is a strategy that can be used in network marketing to make it more effective and so that the best can be ma...

How to Earn as an Online Tutor

  Teaching is a profession that has been a noble profession in the past and the present. Earlier, besides making their wards study at school, parents would keep private tutors who would come at home to teach. Now, with the increase in the use of Internet among all age groups, both students and teachers have resorted to teaching online. You can put your academics to use and earn money online from the comfort of your home.   Studies show that most of the students who are willing to study online are from foreign countries such as UK, and the US, and they mostly want offshore teachers due to the low costs. Therefore, people from Asian countries, mostly India, can find this to be a good part time job opportunity. You can earn a good amount just by teaching students over the Internet.   You have to search for some good websites that provide you the opportunity to teach online and sign up with them. However, in order to become a tutor, you have to take certain exams gi...

How to Earn as a Freelance Home Writer

    Do you love to write and often impress people by your writings? If yes, then you can establish yourself as an online freelance writer and work from home. Nowadays, it has become a tough task to establish you as an author in the real world. Therefore, Internet has many opportunities to make you known as a writer and establish yourself independently. Internet has become the best platform for such striving writers to show off their skills.   There are two ways to get started as a writer. One you can set up your own business writing articles or you can be paid for writing articles for different people. In the first case, you have to make some initial investment while the second one requires no investment. However, if you have no funds for setting up a business, but want to, then it is advisable to start out as a writer writing for different people and being paid. Then when you cover the initial costs, you can start your own business.   Several websites offer ...